How can your pay for this?
Do you or your business have insurance that covers these situations?
Can you obtain third party funding from specialist funders (who will seek a percentage of the recovered monies in return)?
Thankfully, our highly experienced specialist Civil Recovery lawyers work on a reasonable fee basis, some cases (the relatively straightforward ones ) can be paid for on a fixed fee basis or in exceptional circumstances, conditional Fee Agreements ( after very careful consideration on our part).
How can we help you?
You will need to move quickly; fraudsters are not in the habit of hanging around or leaving defrauded sums available for very long.
Are you and your lawyers sure that you can fully identify those responsible? You and your legal team must be able to investigate the financial crime and obtain the best legally admissible evidence available. Once that information has been obtained you will want to freeze or even Mareva any identifiable assets that belong to the fraudster defendant or represent the proceeds of the financial crime committed against you. This is important because, obviously, if the fraudster does not have any assets, then there just is not any point going further.
However ASSET TRACING is the ability to follow the movement of assets and proceeds of fraud through accounts/jurisdictions and purchase of other assets e.g. property, shares etc. Once again, you will need specialist solicitors and accountants who can follow/trace assets, through various jurisdictions if necessary. Once those proceeds of financial crime have been identified, we will ensure that they are subject to restraining or freezing orders. Additionally, we will work on your behalf to ensure that the fraudster defendant complies with any freezing order.
As stated above obtaining the best admissible evidence is vital, you may need to obtain THIRD PARTY DISCLOSURE orders from banks, computer or mobile phone operators for example or SEARCH/GIVE IT UP orders allowing access to business addresses or homes to look for relevant material and evidence e.g. imaging computer hard drives.
Once that has been achieved then it may be possible to proceed to summary judgement against the defendant or if he/she raises a legal defence, then you will have to prepare for full trial.
Once you have won at trial then you must proceed to enforcement against any identified assets or monies.
It may be that the defendant will want to negotiate a settlement with you. Again, our lawyers can assist with this.
Why choose us?
We are different in many respects from other firms. Our team comprises of both top level civil/commercial litigators and a highly respected white collar crime team who pool their experience and work together to assist you to recover what is owed to you.
We have many years of successfully acting for: companies, insurers, business partnerships, high net worth individuals in these situations, successfully traced assets, obtained Mareva Injunctions, and have restrained and/or realised assets located in other jurisdictions.