- Police Station Accreditation 2000
- Criminal Litigation Accreditation 2004
Claudia joined Lewis Nedas in 2004 as a solicitor and has over 20 years’ experience as an advocate and litigator in all areas of criminal law, from sensitive and personal allegations to the most serious cases of fraud and homicide. With a healthy client base in both Oxford and London Claudia has a fantastic success rate and is described as lawyer who will go the extra mile to ensure clients receive the best service possible.
Renowned for her personable approach, Claudia represents clients from all walks of life for various offences. She is happy to accept cases on a private or legal aid basis undertaking work in all areas of criminal defence, from motoring offences to murder. Claudia conducts Crown Court case preparation and has defended clients charged with offences of armed robbery, burglary, conspiracy to supply drugs, firearms, ABH, GBH, fraud, sexual offences including historic allegations, murder and proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act; defences include modern slavery. She is known for her attention to detail, applying a forensic mind and meticulous case preparation to her analytical assessments of the prosecution case.
Claudia specialises in pre-charge representation, actively engaging from day one in a proactive defence liaising with the police and prosecution authorities, to avoid criminal charges altogether. Either by diverting her clients from the court criminal justice system, or by persuading the police or prosecution to drop their cases. Most recent diversions include allegations of GBH, ABH, fraud, theft, rape, sexual assault, dangerous dogs, child neglect and arson. She has extensive experience of advising in relation to voluntary attendances for police interview, following arrest and throughout the detention and police investigation stage.
As well as regularly representing clients in the magistrates’ court, Claudia is a youth court advocate; a specialist in dealing with vulnerable clients. This includes recent representation of young people facing charges of false imprisonment, possession with intent to supply drugs, robbery, assault and serious sexual offences none of whom received custodial sentences.
Claudia is a leading criminal defence lawyer with a long track record of proven experience gained across a wide range of legal proceedings in London and across the UK. She is a dedicated advocate for her clients and a champion for justice and equality.