New instructions for Serious Crime, Fraud and Regulatory lawyers

1. Unan Choudhry acts for clients in the following cases :

a) Large scale sophisticated fraud upon a large urban local authority
b)represents one of nine defendants facing allegations concerning complicated corporate fraud
c)one of thirteen defendants facing trial conspiracy to supply class A drugs in East London

2. Richard Demczak of our Oxford Office has been instructed to represent clients in these matters :

a) historic sexual assault
b) Court Martial – attempted rape
c) large scale money laundering trial
d) an allegation of GBH with intent, the defendant is a student at one of the leading Universities in the Country
e) another allegation of historic sexual assault
f) an allegation of array involving well known local businessman

3. Sean Reilly, also of our Oxford office represents :

a) a defendant facing HMRC vat fraud to the value of £600,000
b) another prosecuted by the NCA for money laundering through property investment the using gold bullion
C) a client-facing investigation for banking fraud to the value of £14 million

4) Siobhain Egan:

a) represents a professional man facing an investigation concerning historic sexual abuse
b) an overseas businessman who has has multiple bank accounts frozen by HMRC Using Account Freezing Orders (AFOs)
c) a banker investigated for a fraud to the value of over £1 million +
d) a company director facing an in-depth FCA investigation into allegations of fraud.

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