London Property Market – A Real Opportunity for European Buyers

housing squareThe majority decision of the British electorate on 23 June 2016 to leave the European Union heralds a new dawn in the property market.

The uncertainty created by ‘Brexit’ has created new pricing opportunities for buyers who may otherwise have been unable to afford their first property purchase and encouraged overseas buyers, attracted by the cheaper pound, to purchase an array of properties at the higher end of the market.

Moreover, those clients who are selling their main residence and buying a new one, are now exercising greater flexibility in their pricing strategy. By accepting in some cases a lower price on their sale and successfully negotiating a larger discount on their related purchase.

The British Government as well as the Bank of England have also issued important and decisive policy announcements to embolden the country’s economy in today’s new era. Macro-economic policy changes include the Chancellor’s recent statement that he intends to lower the rate of Corporation Tax to under 15%. Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, has also stated that the Bank will step up its monetary measures to increase overall levels of confidence in the nation’s economy. Parts of the British press also believe that Mr Carney has already signalled his intention to lower in the near future, perhaps by this August, the benchmark rate of interest from 0.5% to 0.25%.

At Lewis Nedas Law, we as a team of property professionals are geared up for this new frontier in transactions- as we offer a Partner led group of conveyancers who can act quickly to achieve your objectives.

We also act for overseas clients from a range of countries including France, Spain, Italy and beyond- who require a more hands-on approach and greater level of advice during the course of their transactions.

To our prospective French speaking clients, we say: Nous vous invitons à considérer notre cabinet d’avocats. Nous offrons un service amical et un prix compétitif.

To our prospective Italian clients, we say: Vi invitiamo a prendere in considerazione il nostro studio legale. Offriamo un servizio amichevole e prezzi competitivi.

To our prospective Spanish clients, we say: Damos la bienvenida a considerar nuestro bufete de abogados. Ofrecemos un servicio amable y un precio competitivo.

And to one and all, we say: Welcome to Lewis Nedas, where we offer a friendly and competetively priced service on a range of property transactions.


If you are about to embark on a property transaction, please call Richard Greenby, Senior Associate  in our Property Dept on 0207 691 4560 for a free quote, or complete our online enquiry form here.


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