Latest successes for Lewis Nedas specialist Serious Fraud defence lawyers

SFOSiobhain Egan successfully represented:

  1. A property lawyer investigated following an allegation of dishonesty and fraud, after Siobhain submitted robust submissions; and
  2. A professional individual arrested some years ago following a SFO investigation into a multi-million (in excess of £50 million) property pension SIPP fraud. Finally, the SFO formally closed the investigation this week. 

    Siobhain had made strong representations about the investment during interviews and the management of her clients case throughout this lengthy process. She has been successfully advising individuals facing SFO investigations (such as Company Directors, Senior Company Management, solicitors and accountants) since 1992. She is well known for taking a firm, robust stance with the SFO, particularly in the face of an increasingly and unnecessary aggressive approach by the agency. The SFO is primarily a criminal investigation and prosecution authority, and this is why our specialist Serious Fraud lawyers excel when dealing with the SFO, because they have decades of the necessary and successful experience.

    The recent legal issues concerning privilege and the management of both internal and SFO investigations in the press, underline the need to instruct criminal defence lawyers who know how to deal with:

    Interviews under caution and s2;
    Disclosure; and
    Legal professional privilege, – and who can keep the pressure on this organisation, its lawyers and its financial investigators, throughout the very lengthy investigative process.

    This is an agency which opens many more investigations than it prosecutes.

If you are facing an allegation of serious fraud, or if you suspect that your company needs to self report to the SFO, then contact Lewis Nedas law using our enquiry form at or call us on 02073872032

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