Latest News at Lewis Nedas

1. Congratulations to who has been awarded his Higher Rights of Audience (Crime), which will enable him to represent clients in the Crown Courts and Court of Appeal.

Adam is one of our specialist Serious Crime and Fraud defence Partners, attached to our East London office .

2. Lewis Nedas law welcomes two new assistant solicitors :

A) Sherry Fard – Company Commercial / litigation Dept – Camden office – an experienced and very able litigation specialist , with a particular interest in property and probate litigation.

Sherry speaks fluent French and Farsi.

B) Bartek Piasta – Serious Crime defence specialist – Oxford office – has a buoyant client base in the Thames Valley area, he speaks fluent Polish.

3. Unan Choudhury attended prestigious event to mark the appointment of the first British Bangladeshi High Court Judge and President of the Employment Appeals Tribunal,Sir Akhlaq Choudhury QC.

The event was organised by BBPI (British Bangladeshi Power and Inspiration Foundation) and the 101 Club (a group of prominent Bangladeshi Entrepreneurs).

The event attracted a great deal of attention within the Bangladeshi community both in the UK and abroad.

See below – a photograph of Unan together with Sur Akhlaq Choudhury QC, HHJ Khatun Sapanara , and Moz Hussain QC.

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Unan is one of our specialist Serious Crime and Fraud defence Partners attached to our East London office and speaks fluent Bengali

4) Lewis Nedas law – held a social event at The Jewish Museum in Camden, to welcome in the New Financial year and to mark the promotion of our three new partners:

Adam Creasey – Company Commercial / litigation – Oxford and Mayfair offices
Richard Demczak – Serious Crime / Fraud defence – Oxford office
– Serious Crime / fraud defence – East London office

It was very well attended by clients, staff, friends and Counsel alike.

Our grateful thanks to the Jewish Museum and their lovely staff, who were incredibly helpful and accommodating.

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