1. Dealing with a family dispute concerning the beneficial ownership of a property worth over £390,000.00. The Claimants are seeking possession and damages for unauthorised use and occupation (i.e. trespass). Lewis Nedas Law represent the Defendants, who have submitted a counterclaim on the basis that they were induced into investing into the upkeep of the premises, to their detriment, in the mistaken belief that they would acquire a beneficial interest in the property (i.e. a constructive trust). The trial is listed for mid-September.
2. Advising a new start up in relation to company incorporation, FCA regulation, commercial and property advice. The matter also involves drafting core company documents, including various commercial contracts.
3. Acting for a finance broker based in Scotland who is embroiled in a complicated dispute involving two banks, a company and an individual. The claim is a straightforward breach of contract claim. However, due to the chain of indemnity created by way of historic agreements entered into between the various parties, our client has been added as a party to the proceedings. Adam received instructions on Wednesday and had successfully filed and served Particulars of Claim on the Friday under urgent pressure to comply with court deadlines. The parties have now agreed a stay period in order to negotiate settlement.