Driving Without Insurance or a Driver’s Licence

If you are caught driving without insurance or a driver’s licence, it is important to consult an experienced motoring offence solicitor as soon as possible to protect your rights and work to avoid maximum penalties. You may be facing serious consequences, including disqualification of your driver’s licence and a substantial fine.

Driving Without Insurance or a Licence in London

The police can immediately identify uninsured drivers by their license plates. A financial penalty will always apply in instances of driving without insurance, with the amount dependent on the driver’s means and the circumstances of the offence. If convicted of driving uninsured, you may also face up to 12 months disqualification of your licence. Driving without insurance often involves:

  • Lapsed insurance
  • Company vehicle
  • Car driven by someone other than the owner

In cases of driving without a licence, you may receive up to six penalty points on your licence, a fine of up to £1,000 and a driving ban.

If you are a learner driver with a provisional licence, you are required to display “L” plates on your vehicle and be accompanied by a person who is at least 21 years old and who has held a full driving licence for at least three years. If you drive without meeting those conditions, you can be charged with driving without a licence.

London Traffic Offence Solicitors

At Lewis Nedas Law, our lawyers are prepared to take on even the most challenging motoring offences. No matter the circumstances of your charge, we will work to minimise all possible penalties through the most effective defence for your particular case. There are several special reasons that one might be driving without insurance or a licence, which we may be able to use in your defence.

For further information or to submit a query, please contact us online or call 020 7387 2032. Our firm offers various payment options, and we take pride in providing ‘City firm standards’ of service at reasonable, realistic pricing levels.

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