Another Successful Outcome in a Firearms Appeal for Lewis Nedas Law client and Laura Saunsbury

firearmsThe reputation of our firearms law specialist  Laura Saunsbury for success in firearms licensing appeals continues to spread, as demonstrated by the fact that she increasingly receives instructions from clients not only across the south-east but from all over England & Wales. Her current caseload includes firearms appeals to Crown Courts in locations as diverse as Bristol, Oxford, Lewes, Hull and York.

Laura has considerable success in resolving cases early without the need for a contested appeal hearing. Earlier this month in one such case, North Yorkshire Police were persuaded to reconsider their refusal to grant her client a shotgun certificate after reviewing the strong bundle of evidence she compiled in support of his appeal and the accompanying representations she made on his behalf. In that case our client had this to say about Laura’s handling of the case:

“Laura provided me with the concise expertise and specialist knowledge required in my appeal against the refusal of a shotgun certificate. Her approach was detailed and professional whilst being extremely empathetic and approachable. She understood my situation immediately and assisted me in obtaining the correct character references required and the presentation of evidence. The case was dropped and my certificate issued following expert intervention from Laura”

Laura is happy to provide the personal approach of a face to face meeting for more anxious clients or in more complex appeals where the case requires it. However, her experience in this field is such that she is adept at getting to grips with the key issues in the case and obtaining the relevant information from her clients without the need to physically meet them in every case. Discussions can be held via telephone, email, and video conferencing where required. Distance should therefore not be a bar to seeking Laura’s expert help in connection with firearms licensing matters. If you are a member of one of the national shooting organisations you may have legal expenses insurance which would cover your legal costs in a firearm licensing appeal.

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