Together with specialist Firearms barrister Nick Doherty, our in-house firearms licensing law expert Laura Saunsbury is co-author of the Firearms Law Handbook, an approachable guide for both lawyers and the layman alike. The eighth edition was published in August 2019 by Wildy Simmonds & Hill Publishing. and has been substantially updated and expanded since it was last published in 2011. The new edition has been very well received, with it being endorsed by a number of the national shooting organisations and also adopted by various police forces in England and Wales as the recommended text for their firearms licensing officers. The book has received some excellent reviews, both in legal circles and in specialist shooting publications.
Most recently it was reviewed in the Law Society Gazette on 5th March 2020 and recommended as;
“an indispensable companion to a complex and wide-ranging field of law”.
The book has also received the following seals of approval;
“The only book you need on British firearms law. I recommend it to everyone in the Gun Trade and to firearms owners in general.”
The Vintage Gun Journal, November 2019
“An invaluable guide for shooters and clubs nationwide”
On Target, journal of the National Smallbore Rifle Association, p. 36 Winter 2019 issue
“The book is well laid out and written in a friendly and easy to read style. I recommend it for anyone with a need for detailed knowledge of this complex subject.”
Sporting Gun Magazine, p. 84 January 2020 issue.
“ densely packed with pearls of wisdom … The authors have succeeded in their aim to comprehensively set out an intricate area of law for both lawyers and non-lawyers; it is a compulsory read for the responsible firearm owner and a handy foundation for practitioners.”
The Advocate, Journal of the LCCSA (London Criminal Courts Solicitors Association) p. 9 October 2019 issue
The book is available to purchase online from the publishers, or on Amazon, where it has also received a number of very positive reader reviews.