More acquittals for Lewis Nedas Law clients and Keith Wood

confiscationKeith Wood recently acted in two major acquittals concerning substantial cash seizures:

  1. The first case was a four handed matter at Isleworth Crown Court in which his client was joined late into the case. The original defendants had been arrested in November 2017 following an undercover operation at Heathrow Airport. Keith’s client was eventually tracked down and identified as the Courier handing over a substantial amount of cash to three travellers arriving at the airport. Rather than delay the trial; Keith, with Zarif Khan from Drystone Chambers, prepared the case fully within 8 weeks. At trial Keith had sourced a substantial body of evidence supporting our clients case. Our client had always accepted that cash had indeed been handed over, but they had no knowledge or suspicion that it was the proceeds of crime and the documentation provided supported that. The case was eventually withdrawn from the Jury by the Judge at the close of the defence case such was the compelling nature of the material provided.
  2. In a second case again at Isleworth, Keith, this time with Jonathan Green of Drystone chambers, successfully represented a client who was facing Proceeds of Crime Act offences namely possession of Cash, in this case over 175,000 Euros which had been seized as our client left the UK. At trial again the defence produced substantial records which showed the origins of the funds which were being exported for the purchase of luxury items. The cash in this instance was located within luggage in the hold of the plane. The jury accepted that the funds were not the proceeds of crime and  accordingly returned a Not Guilty verdict.

Keith also acted in a Contempt of Court case in which he was instructed following a finding of Contempt which was the subject of an article in the Sunday Times.

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