More successful results for Lewis Nedas Law serious crime defence lawyers
  1. gavelUnan Choudhury secured acquittals in the following cases:

    a) A client who faced trial at Birmingham Crown Court and an allegation of conspiring to blackmail; and

    b) A professional driver accused of sexual assault upon a minor. 

  2. Keith Wood represented an individual accused of money laundering, the case was stopped by the trial Judge after legal submission at the close of the prosecution case, and directed a Not Guilty verdict.
  3. Siobhain Egan represented a professional man who was eventually, after a two year period, charged and pleaded guilty to an offence of possessing over 6,000 indecent images of children. This is very obviously an extremely serious offence and the Sentencing Guidelines indicate that a lengthy and immediate custodial sentence would be appropriate. However, our client sought help from specialist experts at the earliest opportunity; he completed specialist courses and pursued therapy. Expert psychologist and psychiatric reports from leading practitioners were obtained and presented to the Court. Those together with the excellent advocacy skills of Ms Nicola Cafferkey of Counsel (33 Bedford Row) were sufficient to persuade the Court to impose a suspended sentence of imprisonment.
  4. Siobhain also represented a senior City Finance professional investigated for dishonesty; as a result of her detailed representations upon her clients behalf, the investigation was stopped by the investigating authority at a very early stage.
  5. Miles Herman represented a client charged with a series of indecent child images. Again, this was a serious case which would ordinarily warrant an immediate custodial sentence, however, as a result of diligent case preparation and his advocacy (Miles conducted the mitigation hearing himself) a suspended sentence of imprisonment was imposed by the Sentencing Judge.


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