Released under investigation – what it really means for you

Everyday thousands of individuals throughout the Country are either invited in for voluntary interview under caution by police, or arrested, interviewed under PACE (police and criminal Evidence Act 1984) and then released under investigation.

In our blog dated May 2017, see link here. We explain the practical and legal ramifications of such a decision by Police – it makes for vital reading and explains the importance of instructing leading, top ranked, proactive, assertive defence solicitors/lawyers who achieve the best results.

Doubtless you will have seen in the press, the countless numbers of horrendous stories about criminal prosecutions brought unfairly against individuals, because the authorities haven’t investigated properly, or have failed to give full disclosure of material to defence teams. People have been unfairly convicted and lives have been ruined as a result of second rate investigations and prosecutions.

There is nothing new about these developments, the situation has just deteriorated further because of government cuts, and reduced police and CPS personnel. 

The only surprising aspects of this is that the media and Senior Judiciary have now decided to raise awareness about the state of our criminal justice system, once admired as the best in the world.

Many people once released under investigation ,just shrug the whole experience off ,or bury their heads In the sand, until they receive the court summons requiring their presence at court. By then, they will have lost valuable time and opportunity to defend themselves.

Should you find yourself in such a situation, instruct the best lawyers that you can find, quickly. Contact us using our enquiry form or call us on 0207 387 2032.

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